when a deformed penisless ginger child becomes aware of his name and body and kills himself
pulling a jordan waller: Jordan Waller totally pulled a Jordan Waller last night! LOLZ
by chriswebz October 11, 2010
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The life of the party without being the life of the party
This guy is a proper Waller, he gets all the gear in without telling us
by JamboG88 April 18, 2021
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Southern Slang. Meaning: To wallow.

Literally: Rollin around in something, most of the time it is something nasty.

Figuratively: When you dwell in your negative feelings.
1. Don’t let that damn dog get on you! There is no telling what he has wallered in!
2. So apparently he broke up with her and for the past few days all she’s done is cry and waller.
by SpecklemyFreckle April 3, 2020
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Jimmy waller is a real traveling man lives in a wife beater with a stella in his hand and a greyhound in the other he is a proper fighting man can usually be found cleaning a caravan listening to Johnny cash smoking a durry
See Jimmy waller boh cleaning that caravan thats a serious fella and I can smell that durry from here
by Dordy mayo June 8, 2022
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Wallering is a word that means your watering your wall. Warrling is also a word for spinning in circles.
y: hey
s: hm?
y: im wallering my wall, wanna join?
s: sure! i always love to waller.

y:look guys im warrling
t: omgg! cool
y: wanna join?
t: yess
by kookoogorleye December 15, 2022
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Past tense description of a crudely enlarged hole beyond the size of its intended purpose making it unusable.

Was first used in the construction field to describe a screw hole when you've over tightened a wood screw and the screw just spins not getting any traction to hold weight like on a gate/door hinge but later has been used to describe a females genital area when over used and enlarged.

Similar to the saying " throwing a hotdog down a hallway"
by brandNV August 16, 2021
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Past tense description of a crudely enlarged hole beyond the size of its intended purpose making it unusable.

Was first used in the construction field to describe a screw hole when you've over tightened a wood screw and the screw just spins not getting any traction to hold weight like on a gate/door hinge but later has been used to describe a females genital area when over used and enlarged.

Similar to the saying " throwing a hotdog down a hallway"
by brandNV August 16, 2021
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