
to get comfortable with ones partner, to throw each other about the bed, couch, or other surface, to cuddle in a sexually suggestive manner, to use your partner as a pillow
by Mo August 10, 2003
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Person 1: How did you get that to fit?

Person 2: I just wallered it out!
by Klber3 July 5, 2009
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Verb. The word originated from farmers who used the term to describe the pigs "wallering" in the mud or their own shit. Today it describes someone who is lying around lazily, doing nothing. When a person is completely worn out or hung over, they "waller" in bed or on the couch. To be slow, heavy, sleepy and/or unmotivated. Often occurs on the day following alcohol or substance abuse. May also be the result of over extending oneself during the workweek. All they can do is "waller" because they are too brain dead to do anything else.
I'll be "wallering" all day, recuperating from that rave last night.

I tend to "waller" on the weekend's, watching cartoons and pigging out.

He "wallered" in his own filth until his neighbors called the authorities because of the stench.
by pinkapples December 27, 2008
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To hollow out or make a hole larger.
Once there's a little play around the bearing, continued use will waller the hole out.
by Davis Co August 29, 2005
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To roll about enthusiatically in or lay upon an undesirable substance. Usually associated with lazy and undesirable connotations. Has origins in Indiana
Frodo likes to waller in wild ass bushes
by Cassezzy January 21, 2006
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To lay on top of and tease one's sweetheart/partner in a possibly sexually suggestive manner. To get comfortable or cuddle up with one's partner. To show affection in a teasing physical manner.
I like to waller on my boyfriend while he is watching TV on the couch.

I will stop wallering on you since you are trying to work.
by dramamask February 6, 2010
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Noun. The act of masturbation performed in a work-like environment. A waller will usually take place on a break to pass the time in an otherwise uninteresting day; the prospect of getting caught, coupled with a possible lack of sexual stimulus (depending on your job) make for a challenging yet satisfying activity.
"I heard Jacob had a waller in the WHSmiths toilets."
by Steven J. Gould September 6, 2012
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