v. To crawl back up into one's mother. To return to the uterus.
Jimmy decided to vaginate on me. Can't believe I didn't see it coming.
by jdolan February 3, 2005
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When you lift up your dong and your balls look like a vagina.
Tommy showed Mike his vaginer!
by Rocke May 10, 2004
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“oh shit i just banged my vagine on the corner of the table
“omg i know has badly that hurts”
by babyyyyyyygirl March 18, 2020
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What girls have between their legs
"that vaginer is as loose as a goose!
by Robert Roboto August 11, 2003
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A word used to describe any situation. This word is used as an adjective or an adverb. In the end, vaginal is used to describe anything you want it to in any situation, good, bad, gross, amazing, etc.
You are acting so vaginal today.
That is such a vaginal thing to say.
I am feeling so vaginal today.
by Bdsns84 March 27, 2011
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Being in charge of (or being first in line during) a gang-bang situation.
All you guys are going to have to wait your turn. I am in charge of vagineering this train!
by madnis July 27, 2008
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1. occurs when someone is acting like a wimp.
2. To be like a vagina
Dude, stop acting so vaginal.
by OJ is not guilty August 31, 2007
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