is a annoying little shit that needs to stop talking it's a noun not a person place but he is a thing
by Travis the thing November 2, 2017
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a very attractive male who you fall for immediately for because of his way of sweet talking innocent beautiful girls. usually decent dancers. nice body. you'll think hes the most amazing boyfriend ever. very good at doing boyfriend things. you'll never want to be away from them. in the end, they'll break your heart and be an ass to you and your relationship will never be the same with this "travis" again. it takes much time to get over these travis' because of there delightfulness. they're almost like they're own type of drug.
1.god damn I thought you were the best boyfriend ever but you just another TRAVIS :/
2. mmmmmmm, look at that!!! now thats a Travis right there!
by itsshanyo May 12, 2009
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Tall and handsome ,has an extreamly large dick,is very good in bed if you have a chance with a Travis take it ,Travis is very companionate he is most likely to seceded in life will marry a school his school sweetheart is stupidly funny at times and is loud but he has a big heart need him he will be there for you.
Woman:so I heard you were with Travis last night, How was it?
Me:it was maxing and the sex was even better!

He must be a Travis cause he is so spicy
by Holywaffles January 18, 2014
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To run an errand while you are out for a different reason, often an excuse for being late or leaving early
I am going to travis to the bank while we are out to lunch today.

She will be late to the movie because she travised on the way here.
by ambrosialea January 11, 2012
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A guy who has a god complex, crippling depression and no-self worth all at the same time.

Appreciates sharing oxygen with a woman in a 20 metre radius.
Travis enjoys gently caressing LEGS
The word Travis originates from 'Sex God Pariah' from 3000BC, when the first Travis was born
by NudesCelebsForFree.Com April 7, 2018
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Dave: Hey remember travis

Derick: We don’t mention him
by Derrickisdumb October 17, 2019
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An STD transmitted by form of slap happiness.
Tracy! Do you have TRAVIES!?!

Brianna got Travies from The Coca Cola Bear!
by Pinkyswear345 August 17, 2008
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