a thing. a funny thing. no meaning. no purpose. purely for amusemeny.
joke. i am a joke. i was a joke. now i am a bigger joke.
by THE REAL JULIA December 5, 2006
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A replacement for the word "cool", which has been in popular vernacular for far too long. Most recently popularized by nerd fighters.
"How was the concert last night?"
"Aw man, it was SO JOKES!"
by EP Nerd fighter August 11, 2007
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Bob: Your a Joke
Bobby: shut up your minor inconvenience
by Nyakui April 8, 2020
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What does Wal-mart and Catholic priests have in common???
They both have little boys pants half off...
by JesJesss July 20, 2005
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There are people who go as far as to think you're egotistical and not just uptight if you don't laugh at their joke. They literally think if you don't think everything they think is funny is just as funny, that you don't know how to live. There are people who like golf, and there are people who think golf is bullshit.
There are people who will never laugh at the joke you just told, they have their reasons. You don't have to see how or why they think the way they do.
by Solid Mantis June 5, 2019
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