20 definitions by THE REAL JULIA


The individual, or group of individuals, involved in obsessive adoration of entertainers such as musicians, actors, athletes, and even political figures. Behaviors are juvenile and influenced oftentimes by crush-like emotions or lustful sentiments, and often infringe the rights of the figure experiencing the attentions of a frenzied fanatic.

Obsessive research and knowledge concerning the "likes/dislikes," genevation, habits, pet peeves, and other extraneous trivia concerning the idol are attributes shared among this stereotypical group of fans. This overly exhuberant fan exhibits traits such as promiscuity, daring and often irrational behavior, as well as, loss of self control when exposed to the object of their obsessions.

Most commonly viewed as consumed by their interest, as opposed to the normal realm of enjoyment experienced by the great majority of public.
Groupies at The Beatles concerts would often dissolve into tears, screaming fits and hysterics at the mere sight of the band's entrance to the stage.
by THE REAL JULIA June 8, 2006
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a thing. a funny thing. no meaning. no purpose. purely for amusemeny.
joke. i am a joke. i was a joke. now i am a bigger joke.
by THE REAL JULIA December 5, 2006
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Commonly used phrase referencing the degree to which an individual is considered unattractive. Possibly a regional colloquialism used in the Oklahoma area.
Billy Bob: "Geez! That woman with the balding patte, bulbous nose, black front teeth, and tattoo of 'I Like It Rough,' sure is ugly!"

Billy Roy: "She sure has a flabby gut, and that backside ain't too perty neither!"

Billy Billy: "Boys, that there gal Fell Out Of The Ugly Tree And Hit Every Branch On The Way Down!"
by THE REAL JULIA June 21, 2006
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1. To appologize for behaviors or actions that may have hurt another person.
2. The state of being worthless, or poor in quality.
3. The idea that there is more than one person responsible for dramas past, yet only one takes the blame.
1. I am sorry for the way things went four years ago, but now it is time to move on.

2. It is a sorry day when you cannot get over something that cannot be changed, and are unwilling to accept the graciousness offered to you as a person today, regardless of past.

3. I have never heard "I am sorry" from you for the past, yet I have offered you "I am sorry" regardless of blame, regardless of consequence.
by THE REAL JULIA December 19, 2005
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True Love

Complete. Whole. Without need. Intellectual, emotional, physical...
True Love is not impossible, just hard sometimes.
by THE REAL JULIA March 21, 2007
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The Big O

Defined as the female's climax in response to sexual stimulation.
My sweet babboo gives me The Big O and I am his slave for a week.
by THE REAL JULIA December 27, 2005
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once in a lifetime

something so incredible i happens once in a lifetime, regardless of deserving
by THE REAL JULIA December 5, 2006
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