The opposite of despair. Something that Nagito Komaeda likes. It’s part of danganronpa. The good side
Hope will always win against despair.
by Urban.dictionary.master November 23, 2019
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An aspiration, a vision, a concept of betterment - the thing we cannot live without, the most essential element in the human spirit.
As 2020 ended, as 2021 shone with promise, there was reason for hope and much to hope for. Regained dignity for America, a life where everyone could once again move freely, could smile and touch, could breathe together without fear.
by Monkey's Dad January 1, 2021
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a wish or dream that you truely desire in your heart
by pahko December 4, 2004
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A thing of beauty, grace and optimism. Something everyone needs. To be without hope is to have a dismal future.
by luv4stephen February 4, 2010
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A wish or desire accompanied by confident expectation of its fulfillment.
When all is lost you can only have hope to get by.
by HT January 26, 2004
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An underused but beautiful name. Hope's are always sexy and will drive you crazy with her seduction. Hope's are hysterical, get hurt a lot, and are amazing dancers. Hope's are either sweet or slutty, or a blessed combination of the few. Hope's are the best friends you can have and are almost always fantastic in bed.
Hope is driving me crazy, but i still love her.
by newtown411 June 6, 2011
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Helpful to everyone
Obedient to God
Perfect mommy
Easygoing always
Where is Hope when I need someone to talk to?!
by elizabeth8888 December 2, 2010
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