Non-Offensive slang for Homosexuals.
"There are Lesbians and Gays."
by PizzimpMcBozule February 17, 2003
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your bro giving you a good night kiss and not saying "no homo"
bro 1: aight imma go to bed
bro 2: aight see you. wait i almost forgot
*intense fucking between bro 1 and bro 2*
bro 3: *watching from a distance* bruh thats gay.
i need to get in on that.
by pinkish_panther February 2, 2020
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A type of squirrel that lives in Latin America.
"Look at that gay scampering across the way!"
by kynkearsamb June 20, 2009
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1. jovial or happy, good-spirited

2. a homosexual male or female

3. often used to describe something stupid or unfortunate. originating from homophobia. quite preferable among many teenage males in order to buff up their "masculinity"
1. "We'll have a gay old time."

2. "You DO know he's gay. Notice his homoerotic pornography collection."

3. "Man, these seats are gay. I can't even see what's going on!"
by anonymous January 3, 2004
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"I'm not gay." <---- spoken by a closeted homosexual.
by Bitch-monkey June 2, 2009
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'we'll have a gay old time'.
-The Flinstone's theme song
by bedrock December 23, 2003
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