you are all wrong. bog is simply an irish gaelic word that means "soft".
bog means soft in irish gaelic
by how 'bout nooo March 8, 2005
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This large old lady on my back really bogs me down.
by J Chris Campbell January 18, 2004
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Anal sex when the recieving party has experienced the 'squits'.
"better wash my cock after that bogging'
by Mr smith5632 August 16, 2010
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Euphemism: pertaining to female genitalia; full, wet and swollen with life.
A cunnilinguist by trade, Stephen liked nothing more than dredging the bog from time to time.
by Anonymous July 15, 2003
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have you ever been to the toilet and that black object the size of your arm has dropped out of your pooper and clogged the toilet . well thats pretty much a bog
Eamon I could do three shit and they wouldnt be the size of your bog
by dunk November 5, 2003
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A term used to describe a less than desirable woman. Similar to minging.
"That woman over there is an absolute bog"
by Madman Opus October 30, 2014
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To bust ass, or let a particularly "ripe one" loose.
After eating chili and hard boiled eggs for lunch, phil bogged in class and completely cleared the room.
by thatoneguywhodoesthings March 2, 2007
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