a very rare disease that happens when traveling downstairs and the air temperature is different from the temperature upstairs. it causes the victim to pass out on the spot. normally starts in the early teen years.
Kassie walked downstairs and passed out due to air temperature shock syndrome.
by whatdoyouwantmetoputhere! July 29, 2011
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Store in a cool place(50F to 60F). Lower temperatures may cause chilling injury. Pantries, basements or garages can provide a cool place during most of the year. Non-insulated garages may be too warm in the summer and too cold during winter.
Allways treat tomatos with care and respect. Report any suspicious tomatoe related behaviour to either The British Tomato Growers' Association or the California Tomato Commission
"A tomato is not just for christmas; its for many other occasions including, but not exclusive to:
Jack Daniels birthday
Pre-pub fridge raid...day....?
Correct storage temperatures for ripe tomatoes - troubling times lye ahead for tomatos stored under incorrect temperatures......... indeed
by Funk Master Slam August 29, 2006
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your iq is as high as the room temperature is if a bully that has a bit of smart in his brain would say, but you are smarter and u use Kelvin B)
Bully:Your IQ is as high as the room temperature.
You:I use Kelvin
Bully: >:o
other kids: :o
Geography teacher: *gives you 59473487 amounts of A+*
by battle cats fan real November 21, 2022
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Car Temperature Theory is when someone raises the temperature in their car when its cold outside, which makes you hot because you wore warm clothing. Then ten minutes later the temperature gets turned back down to an appropriate level with warm clothing on.
"Every time I'm in Susan's car during the Winter the Car Temperature Theory always happens"
"Yeah I hate Susan"
by BravoArmstrong December 3, 2020
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Temperature chemistry is the most important attribute in relationships. It is important that if you're hot ;) your significant other is cold to bring balance into the relationship. That is how you know you are meant for each other. Same if you're cold your partner can comfort you if their temperature is hot that is what you call temperature chemistry.
by Klova October 17, 2015
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At some point atoms will get so hot that they move at the speed of light and sense nothing can move faster than light it’s the hottest temperature

-chase Klar
by Daddyhhgfhjh November 2, 2022
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Being jealous of someone in a hot country whilst you are freezing in yours.
"God Jemma is in Africa, it must be so hot, i've got temperature jealousy."
by Cheeseylump January 27, 2020
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