When you're naked and want something from downstairs, and the roommate is out (but could be back at any time). You then run downstairs to "sneak a nakie."
I don't want to get dressed, but our breakfast is downstairs and I don't want the cat to get it. I'm going to sneak a nakie!
by fendermatt May 25, 2009
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When a "lesbian" decides to creep out to get real dick, and/or has a male fuckbuddy, but still claims lesbian.
Tara is a lesbian but went out sneak dicking and is now pregnant.
by Innerpeace024 February 28, 2017
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A term for the artful practice of quietly farting.
In order to stay under the flatulence radar, he was always sneaking wind!
by Dr Bunnygirl August 15, 2020
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A business that sells sneakers and streetwear. Not to be confused with the act of putting your foot in someone’s ass.
I just bought a new pair of kicks from Sneak Foot.
by AshyBurm October 13, 2020
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Sneak Dissing Is When Someone Is Constantly Talking Shit & Don't Say It To Your Face
Kim: Kendra She Is Mad Ugly Yo
Kendra: Yo I Know
Mike: Ya'll Sneak Dissing Or Naah!
by KillaKaay January 28, 2014
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The process of sneaking up behind somone or beside them, hugging them and screaming "sneak hug!" as soon as you do it.
Dr. Cox: Nothing ever changes. The Artist Formerly Known as Prince is still just Prince, my ex-wife is still pretty much my wife, 'Grey's Anatomy' always wraps up every episode with some cheesy voiceover that ties together all of the story lines, which incidentally is my least favorite device on television, Newbie continually will try to violate my no touching policy, and Republicans will forever try to raise-
JD: SNEAK HUG! (sneak hugs Dr. Cox)
Dr. Cox: ...Of course, I would go kill him right now, but he actually just helped to prove my point.

by saucemonkey April 30, 2009
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1. (Communication Arts / Broadcasting) a screening of a film, or series pilot, at an unexpected time to test audience reaction before its release. Not to be confused with sneak peek.
We were invited to a sneak preview at Warner Bros. Studios!
by Jrskow July 16, 2011
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