One who is full of "sass", and never-ending comebacks. Happens frequently with undisciplined children, always with a smart remark.
Dude, you never shut up. You're a sass-bag bro.
by Chris Magoo 2 February 21, 2011
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A genre of music with rapping of sassy lyrics combined with pop beats and sung by adolescent bands; typically listened to by pre-teen girls
My sister annoys me when she sings along with the sass rap on her iPhone.
by Smokylettuce511 July 29, 2018
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a person who is very sassy, hard headed or inclined to having no friends.

A rodent full of sass

Back- talking rodent
jessica was a sass rat to me in the back of my car today. who does she think she is?
by rodneysweets November 7, 2011
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1. the act of sassing on the side
2. Back-Sassing a little bit to the left or right, never to the front
3. the act of getting guidos annoyed
4. the act of talking about things that don't exist, which really happened
1. Stop side-sassing me guido
2. You should have side-sassed him
by Side-sassin ass April 13, 2010
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Slang for know-it-all of smart ass. If you were to say something and someone was to reject what you said by proving it wrong you would call him/her a sass mouth.
'Dude, trust me your wrong.'
'Quit giving me your sass mouth.'
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Ass Sass is when a female gets on all fours and presents her ass in a sassy and sexual way.
Ass Sass "She slowly bent over exposing her ass, perked it up while biting her bottom lip and moaned sexually"
by John Woo Tang April 9, 2007
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back talk, woffin'or talkin' trash
"Give me any more of that back-sass and I'll kick your ass."
by hoobaju May 2, 2005
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