The inner rim of the eye. an ideal place to put eyeliner without it looking too racconey.
i put purple eyeliner inside the rim and a guy I met at the mall told me i had beautiful eyes.
by vitaminanime January 24, 2010
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The Rim of a woman's vagina, commonly seen peeking from a bathing suit.
"Hey Dude, did you see the Rim on Elena?!"

"Yeah, she has a nice rim..."
by ThatEvilRim November 18, 2011
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To preform a small jump off of any object whilst skiing or snowboarding.
"Oh that was a good old fashioned rimming off of that cliff"

"Go on and 180 rim off of that kicker"
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When you pee as close as you can to the toilet rim without getting any pee on it.
Mom: Honey we're you rimming again when you know you suck at it?
Me: yeah mom fuck off I'm trying my best
by rimming_lord August 19, 2018
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When the 'lads' are in the pub/bar, one of them goes to the toilet and leaves their pint on the table. Another guy picks up the 'absentees' pint and rubs the rim of the glass in between his foreskin and bell-end, when finished replaces the pint where it laid originally. You lie in wait for the victim to return, and then piss your selves laughing when he remark how shit the beer is!! Brilliant joke until it happens to you!
'I became a victim of rimming last night, that cunt Dan rimmed my beer!'
by sealo May 1, 2007
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Is the alternative to "This" in online mesage boards. In this context, it is used when you agree on someone's statement or idea of thinking. Can be used in genuine agreement or for a light-hearted agreement.
The little yellow magazine still comes with the hole in the corner so it can be hung in outhouses for leisurely reading.

"At least until the Charmin runs out."


by AppleOptionEsc September 12, 2007
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The act in where a individual will perforn anal felatio so he/she can suck up to someone.
John wouldnt you say Dale was rimming Chonny when he made up that shit?

Yes i soppose he was, so he could suck up to her.
by Layon February 15, 2009
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