when a man, usually one whom likes safaris, puts the front of his hair into a spike with intense hair gel or rubber cement. He then proceeds to go down a woman and stimulates the clit with the said spike.
Jamal: dude I went down on sheniqua yesterday and busted out the rhino. TORE that bitch up.
by Mike Carini March 23, 2009
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The act of coming up from behind someone who is not paying attention, forming a heavy fist, and going through the legs for a punch to the nuts. As the person is stunned, the victim then is hurled into the air when the person, from behind, lifts at an upward angle.

(Rhino II: Thunder Horn coming to stores 9/1/06)
Did you see Steve rhino Eric to form the combined shame of a punch to the nuts and a lift-off.
by The Hybrid Warrior September 18, 2006
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A name for an attack performed by forming one's hands into a fist shape with the thumbs together and pointed outward. The attacker proceeds to send their "hand rhino" swiftly upwards into the asshole of the victim.
He carressed his anus, as he had just become the victim of a powerful rhino.
by Extreme Dicktator March 6, 2010
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Its a large joint you ignorant mofo's.
Jazz Scmazz.
by Diego November 28, 2003
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stupid girl who can't keep her strappies up on the body of her braced faced self. she may come across as nice but later comments on the physical "flaws" of others because she clearly needs a mirror
That bitch i met at my friend's house is a rhino! Go back to jumanji whore~\!
by hotterthanu<3 August 28, 2004
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*some random dude asking everyone for hugs*
an intellectual: damn, he’s such a rhino
by hey it’s the bitch September 22, 2019
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That shaggy haired zill kill who runs the universe.
Did you see rhino puke after that hit.
by Doobage December 4, 2003
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