hey you know that rapist Donald trump gave me 3million dollars for me to hide the fact he raped me :D
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Why would you search that on urban dictionary? You're probably a rapist.
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Colloquial contraction of ''rap-artist''
''Anyone can rap, but if you want to be a rapist you gotta put in the work, feel me?''
by mkpk May 29, 2020
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A person or rather, the personality of a person, who likes to expose what people hides. One that carefully manages to analyze every meaning of someone's existence, exposing everything about him or her. It is composed with the words "Intellect" and "rape", this is because an intellectual rapist "rapes your mind", uncovering everything you have wether you like it or not.
In the Japanese visual novel "Umineko no Naku Koro Ni Chiru: Episode 5" we can find Furudo Erika as a perfect example as an Intellectual Rapist. She likes to solve riddle, meddle into other's affair and exposes everything they hide, not really caring about the effect this will have.

Normally, detectives fall in this category as they search for the truth, again exposing what others want to hide. For example, we can find even Sherlock Holmes as an intellectual rapist.
by 5KY7HAZ June 20, 2013
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That guy who asks to crash at your house for a few days but never seems to leave and decides that your couch is his romantic lover.
"Damn man, Joe showed up at my house three months ago and won't leave. He has turned into a serious couch rapist."
by oracleofchangeorders October 2, 2013
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