(v.) To look in one's locker room (generally female) and sneak a peek of the goods.
Charles decided that for his 52nd birthday, he would go into the girls locker room at the Y and sneek a peek.
by midgetsnatcher March 15, 2004
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While having doggy-style sex in a dark room, you switch with a friend without her knowing and then exit room and wave to her from her window
Peek-a-Boo i see you
by pbking May 2, 2009
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A Peeking Indian is a condition of the penis where it's so small that only the head can be seen peeking through the bush.
Guy 1: Holy shit! That guy's penis is so tiny! What the fuck is that? Oh my God, there's something looking at us!

Guy 2: What the hell is that?!

And Peeking Indian was born.
by Mike Squared November 5, 2009
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When a person's facial expression and/or inadvertent phrasing or tone, give you a unwanted preview of what they might be like in the bedroom. Similar to the "o-face" from office space.
Ex. 1 "Although the singer struggled to hit the song's high notes, he succeeded in giving everyone a Bedroom peek"

Ex. 2 I know she was just asking for her pen back but the way she said "Give it to me" was a total bedroom peek.

Ex. 3 Any moaning, outside of a life threatening injury, is a bedroom peek.
by Yo Gabi Gabi May 15, 2010
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What you imagine your hemorrhoids saying after a long day on your feet.
Honey where is the Preperation H? My dam hemorrhoids are playing peek-a-boo again.
by Angus McCracken February 4, 2020
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staying alive last and then going for exit frags and still losing gunfights
Guy 1: guys im gonna save it's 1v4 *holds angle and dies*
Guy 2: certified brian peek bro
by yassoswag March 30, 2022
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Pubes that are exposed while clothes are on.
When I saw Betsy in her bikini, there was a peek-a-bush staring back.
by Thesexythreeandablackdude November 26, 2010
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