It is necessary
Not really hungry and cannot be bothered to cook. But needs must
by Needs must August 27, 2020
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The smell of one's anus. Often relating to a mold/mildew infested mobile home must. The musty smell of sweat and gas that is passed by an individual.
Rex: Damn, that fart reeked of Bum-must!

Shawn: Yup, I worked hard on not cleaning by butt for a week
by rl45401 November 2, 2011
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The condition present after screwing a grandmother. Symptoms include smell of mold, cobwebs, maggots and/or spiders, perhaps even old trash such as condom wrappers caught in the cock-must related debris. Can also be contracted from intercourse with attics, corpses, or antiques.
After a week at grandmama's, I was diagnosed with a serious case of cock-must.
by Mike Sater September 15, 2006
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1. fake person.
2. they are annoying and bug the living crap out of you.
3. can't be trusted
4. a bitch

also seen as:

-"like a connie"
-"she's such a connie"

Yvette: "Must be a connie"
Ruby: "Yeah, you're right."
by Pleasebitch November 8, 2011
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South African, Durban, Indian slang terminology
To he aware of
You must know that area
by Yankee Sierra November 2, 2021
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A smell that is so grotesque, that causes the body to involuntarily gag. A smell that eredicates from the precipitation caused by the friction of an unkept, unwashed, unshaven ball sac/ anal region. Usually the result of a male not showering or changing his underwear for several days.
He was sitting in his dirty clothes next to me and all I could smell was his nasty taint-must.
by HPU Section 3 September 2, 2014
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The musty smell a male gender develops in the crotch/nutsack region.
Since Barney had sour pant-must smell, this hindered his blow job potential.
by KL March 11, 2005
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