
To skeet on your own hands after sex and proceed to rub it down your partner's back. Often accompanied with a lie saying that you're actually applying moisturizer.


The act of a messy mossy.

Etymology: Originated from the legendary pioneer/Manc bastard.

Tom needs to stay away from the local women because he'll messy mossy them.

Tom messy mossied that girl on his birthday. It'll be a night he'll never forget.

Tom gave that girl a messy mossy!

Tom is a messy mosser.
by EH & HC October 22, 2008
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When you masturbate and cum in your happy trail
Mossy blanket
by Bean juice August 12, 2017
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One’s hairy nuts that are in desperate need of a lineup.
1.Damn bro… I got myself some Mossy Boulders
2. OMG… Did you hear Jake has some Mossy Boulders?!?
by TSM_NuttSacc September 19, 2021
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While f**king a girl, while you are about to blow your man juices, you pull out and cum on her pubes and matte them down, creating a pond like effect
by mossypondtaper May 26, 2012
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A vagina so nasty and ugly you puke at the sight of it
That girl so fugly she has to have mossy pancakes
by $$$Cash-ching$$$ October 12, 2016
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