People you come in contact with through forums, chat rooms, Facebook, and the like... who find satisfaction in arguing with you via their keyboard.

These are usually young adults who live in their mothers basement who could never be able to hurt you in real life, so they get out all their sexual/social/financial frustrations on the Interweb. Those with keyboard muscles usually have no job/hobby/significant other/family, therefore have all the time in the world to pick pointless fights with intelligent contributors to society.

They usually cannot spell to save their lives, and will try to insult you with everything they can think of. (which usually isn't anything that makes sense, AT ALL.)

The best way to deal with those morons with Keyboard muscles? Kill'em with kindness. It may sound sooo cliche, Just try it! It works everytime. You want to actually get to them? be the nicest you can be. ;) I'm pretty sure it overloads them blows their empty little heads up.

- We also see these types of muscles show on other things, like XboxLIVE- although known by other names. Please see: Xbox Live Dick
HaX0r.N3wB.pwner: lyk omg, u iz sucha fag bitch go die u stupit azz ho... u realy r dum u kno dat? I;ll slitt yur fekin throat n00b!!!!!1

Me: Wow, calm down honey. You are so right... I am such a noob. Can I feel your Keyboard Muscles? :)

HaX0r.N3wB.pwner: wtf r u tlkin about it doezt make sentss!!! I hatee u!!!!1
by ooh-La-Lauren December 1, 2010
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The greatest possible expression of frustration short of bestial snarling.

Also the only word in the English language that can legitimately include numbers and be spelt any way you please.
The Keyboard Mash in use:

"Why are you so adsfl;kjqearlf;jking stupid?!"



by Jessica Ellen September 5, 2008
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Engaging confident or brave talk or behavior that is intended to impress other people from the safety of being behind a keyboard instead of in person, usually accompanied by blustering swaggering conduct and a pretense of bravery. Can also describe the quality or state of being foolhardy on social media in a way that one wouldn't otherwise act in other circumstances.
What would have been an otherwise civil debate escalated into an online meltdown due to much keyboard bravado and fragile egos.
by jasonspsyche April 13, 2015
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Shake and small tiny nugs that you get when you turn your keyboard upside down and shake vigorously. This only applies to those that regularly smoke at their computers. It's easier to get than resin, and a lot faster!
Dude, I was out of cash and was I went for some keyboard weed and got a bowl of shake! Saved the day, man
by Bruk November 2, 2011
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a program that comes with your computer to take place of your keyboard when your dies. you use your mouse to click on the letters you want to type.
on-screen keyboard helped me when my regular keyboard broke
by veggieness April 5, 2005
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one who is gregarious, funny and extroverted while on the 'net but is otherwise shy in person.
Daklute was excited to meet oprice due to their long internet friendship, but he feared he may be a keyboard extrovert and that the actual meeting would be awkward.
by daklute November 4, 2009
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Plugging your keyboard into someone’s computer next to or in front of you in computer apps. When they go to type, you type something to them to freak them out.
Did you see Allie's face when I pulled the old keyboard switch? What a retard.
by Mister D November 16, 2004
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