20 definitions by Mister D

1. A freshman who only has upper classman friends (positive)
2. A sophmore who is still treated like a freshman (negative)
1. Devon is a froshmore.
2. Joe is a froshmore.
by Mister D October 30, 2004
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When someone says your dick is three inches you reply, "Yeah, from the ground!"
Matt: Your dick is three inches.
Devon: Yeah, from the ground!
by Mister D October 16, 2004
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Rob: Check out that ass! I would totally sperminate her any day of the week!
Matt: HAHAHAHAHA, your chances with her are slim to none.
by Mister D October 20, 2004
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October 31st at WHS, also know as halloween. All of the popular girls (mostly cheerleaders) use this day as an excuse to dress up in very slutty costumes.

Examples From Halloween '04: naughty nurses, angels, devils, genies, and costumes invovling fish net stockings
Rob: HOLY SHIT! Did you see the naughty nurses?
Matt: OH Yea! I would tap their asses any day.
Rob: I'm gonna go look again.
by Mister D November 6, 2004
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The round objects that store man juice.
Robert shaves his webbles!
by Mister D November 23, 2004
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When two guys play pong with their wieners
Matt: I get pretty hard when i play wiener pong with rob.
Rob: I told you not to tell anybody!
by Mister D October 19, 2004
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