A "Juggalette" is the feamle counterpart of the "Juggalo" - fans of ICP (Insane Clown Posse - a group of 40+ yr old men who paint their faces, scream profanities and spit a drink called Faygo all over their loyal followers). They are usually in their rebellious teens, but there are some older adults who have yet to mature emotionally and mentally who follow, trying to hang onto their youth. These are sad people trying to fit in somewhere and belong to something, who have some inner emotional need that they can only seem to be filled by joining a group of other emotionally defunct people who allow themselves to be plied dry of their cash and spit on and cursed at by the same people they claim to be "down" with while telling the rest of the world that they "Don't take any crap from outsiders". They are incredibly sad people. Pity them...don't hate them. It's a cult like atmosphere and they are being used. See the word "Owned" or "pwned".
Juggalette: "I'm a Juggalette and I'm down with the clown!"

Normal person: "Why aren't you down with a job?"
by ICP outsider June 4, 2010
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An American white trash female who suffers from loose virtues, dellusions of: grandure, toughness, self worth and intelligence. Common practices include: the dawning of rediculous clown makeup, having sex with any and all males who go by the title Juggalo, making online videos in which they threaten bodily harm against men they do not know with no intention of acting upon these idol fantasies. Silly and embarrasing though they may be, they are perhaps more than anything else, symbols of middle class white America's loss of identity and principle.
That Juggalette made a 15 minute video of herself smoking cigarettes and singing along to an Insane Clown Posse song. It was perhaps her life's greatest singular accomplishment.
by truth fan June 12, 2009
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A female juggler, who has escaped from the circus she was performing at, and is now on the run. Usually accompanied by an elephant and escaped zoo monkey. Often named katie or emily, and always unbelievably perfect. Dont mess with this juggler because they are always equally good at flame throwing.
Guy 1: "Did you see that building just burst into flames??"
Guy 2: " Dude I did. Someone must have messed with a juggalette."
by edawg and kcat!! January 3, 2009
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It's basically a cult for distraught teenagers with parents who absolutely suck. It is something else that has been created to make kids that have no guidance feel like they belong to something.
You don't see many national honor society members claiming to be down with the clown. Not saying they are all dumb but damn could put that energy toward something good rather than some nasty, dirty, fat, group. That band doesn't care about you at all. As long as you are paying to see their concerts and buying their CDs.
by Chri from the REAL world July 23, 2005
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The one breed with more self loathing than a goth girl.

Usually extremely overweight, unattractive and promiscuous. Can usually be found on webcam in chatrooms exposing themselves.

They are the reason why people are afraid of clowns.
steve - "once i went out with a goth chick"
mike - "dude thats nothing, once I went out with a Juggalette"

both - "ewww"
by The Truth December 7, 2004
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Being a Juggalette (or Juggalo) isn't about how much merchandise you have or knowing every detail about ICP. It's about being yourself- about seeing the world differently from normal society and not caring where you fit in. Juggalettes don't take sh!t from anyone, they know who they are and accept it. True Juggalettes know what it's like to be an outsider. It don't matter how many hatchetman tattoos you have, or how many ICP cd's you own, it's about being yourself and not caring if other people don't like you. One of the most important things is being a believer in the Dark Carnival and knowing when life fails you, Shangri-La will always be a place for you to go, if you truly believe- that's where you WILL go.That's my definition of a TRUE Juggalette....."Truth is we follow God, we've always been behind him, the carnival is God and may all Juggalos find him." P.S. I'm a Juggalette, and proud of it!! Yeah I have tattoos and I have kids but I am an educated individual who has a Diploma and runs my own business, I'm a contributing and upstanding member of society. I don't come from a poor or broken background, I do smoke weed I don't do other drugs or drink alcohol, I don't post random stuff on the internet and only wrote this because I was dissapointed & disgusted when I read the definition of a Juggalette posted by narrow minded uninformed people who'd put no research into their posts apart from their own personal, misguided opinions!
Peace out motha fakoos!!! WHOOP WHOOP!!!
Person 1: What is a Juggalette??
Person 2: Ya don't know??
Well, their down with tha clownz n their down 4 life yo!
Person 1: Bout time someone who knows what they are talking about wrote on this subject!!
Person 2: Yeah!There is some random BS on here!! Anyone with a keyboard and an opinion can be heard! I feel sorry for people looking for REAL answers to questions who end up reading some of these posts!!
by juggalugga February 12, 2011
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Theres more to a juggalette then just being a female insane clown posse fan. A juggalette does'nt care what you think about her. She dont depend on a man but loves havin them. A juggalette is down with the clown for life. She listens to icp and other phycopathic artist.
A juggalette is all ways down wit the clown.
by Terri January 25, 2004
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