57 definitions by The Truth

Biased communist propaganda marketed as "unbiased" or "independant."
Indymedia is a wonderful news site if you want to get opinions that basically blame the Jews for everything.
by The Truth August 28, 2003
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(V) - to put to an end
nah, we deaded that shit a long ass time ago
by The Truth September 17, 2004
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A contard(conservative retarded) is someone who will support every action unPresident Bush makes. When asked a question about Iraq and WMD's they try to hijack the question and talk about how Saddam Was a bad guy and how he killed his own people. Generally these are the people who are seen with signs "Nuke em all! YEEHAW!!!!!!!!" or "Iran is next" like it's a game or something.
Contard: yeehaw man' george bush shure is a gud president.

Normal Human: You sir, are an idiot.
by The Truth January 17, 2005
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Anything that is given too much credit and hype.
Ford Mustang
Notorious B.I.G.
Vince Carter
Dragonball Z
by The Truth April 23, 2005
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You're all wrong. Sage Hill's biggest problem is not the students. It's the bullshit that is spewed by the administration. They preach all these "values" like compassion and integrity and diversity. In reality, they do nothing but black list, scape goat and intimidate anyone who disagrees with their bullshit policies and arbitrary decisions.
So you and your parents bought what it said in all the brochures? Think you're attending an enlightened, new age center for progressive education in sunny so cal? Wrong! You just landed in some antiquated, rigid, stick-up-your-ass, 200 year old New England prep school.
by The Truth May 12, 2004
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