London (UK) slang for face. If you want to sound 'gangsta' then try and pronounce it with an exaggerated pretend Jamaican accent, like Booooaht
Gwendolen: Shut up, Algernon, you little waste man. Everyone knows your mum did it with the postman down the back of the Savoy!
Algernon: You want a clap across the boat?
by bignose June 18, 2007
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a very beautiful girl that is full of awesome with copious amounts of win
by definitely not mr. cee June 13, 2010
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"That pill head was pulling boats" (pulling faces)

"Look at the boat on her/him"
by Kieran Mc July 12, 2005
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A term associated with a clapped 'fresh' person from one country of another. Often the stereotype of a race, appearing as though they need to be deported asap.
John:"Look at Fatima she's so cute and fresh" Lola: "She's defo boated, get her to follow you on twitter I bet she has one eyebrow in her twitcon"
by lensO November 22, 2011
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A term used to tease friends who just started dating about sex.
Hey, you and her should go boating sometime!
by Cat-Satan November 10, 2010
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1. Acronym of 'Bit of a twat'.
2. Alternatively, can be used instead of 'Bit of a tit'.
"Tony Blair - What a BOAT!!"
by Neon Kampf March 19, 2009
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When you drive your car through a large puddle of water in the gutter of a street so fast that you soak pedestrians walking alongside said road with a huge and filthy wave.
During yesterday’s rainstorm, we went boating in my pickup truck and soaked a fat jogger with a dirty wave so big it knocked his hat off.
by Goofnut March 16, 2023
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