normal people with a regular view of life exept for the fact that they are attracted to the same gender in a more intimate way, although I say that the people who stifle someones speach just because they express a certain viewpoint is very bad, but likewise with people who purposly express viewpoints to offend other people, that is bad as well and this is the problem between homophobics and pro-gay or homosexual people that I commonly see a lot, I support gays I am also accepting of people who disagree with this movement, they can hate it, but they cannot have the priviledge to verbally harass or to phisically abuse them for their views likewise with homosexuals
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1. Someone who simply loves someone of the same sex, and anyone who hates and/or fears them is simply doing nothing but ostracize someone for being different.
2. It is NOT a synonym for stupid. It is highly offensive to those who are gay, or know someone who happens to be gay.
1. Homosexuals are awesome. How could you hate them?
2. Homosexual, gay, lesbian, homo, etc. are not synonyms for stupid or any other insult. Many people do not know what they are saying is homophobic, and we must educate them about that.
by FuckHomophobia June 14, 2010
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Best people in the world. Many are healthy and fit, dress well, look good, don't add towards the overpopulated...population, is fighting towards respect of having feelings (sexual, emotional, physical and mental) towards those of the same sex, can decorate very well, and are clean. They not only are awesome, but are just plain cool.
Homosexuality should become a religion, because it is so cool.
by Nostok May 6, 2005
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A person who enjoys sexual intercourse with their home.
I'm homosexual!
No you aren't you have a girlfriend!
Yes, and her name is housem
by Daisydeboss July 5, 2017
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(1)a homosexual is a person who is attracted to the same sex. homosexual males are often referred to as gays, and homosexual females are referred to as lesbians. there is absolutely nothing wrong with homosexuals, but many people believe that there is.
(2)the terms homosexual, gay and lesbian have evolved into common insults, and are used by many to describe someone stupid or out of the ordinary.
(1) Ryan told me today that he was Gay.
(2) Shut up, man. you're so gay!
by emily January 9, 2005
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A homosexual is someone who prefers the same sex over the opposite sex. Now many Bible Pushers will tell you that the Bible says being a homosexual is a sin. Let me clarify for these people who take the words literally off the page. God doesn't hate homosexuals. He loves all his children. What he hates is LUST. The Bible talks about hetero lust more than it talks about homo lust. For instance, say a man sees a woman walking down the street and he goes in his mind "Ooh she's fuckin' sexy I wanna get a piece of that" that is lust. If a man sees another man and thinks the same thing, IT IS STILL LUST. Now if a man falls in love with another man and they both care deeply for each other, the two of them getting physical is okay. It's not ok when there isn't any love involved but just the desire to have sex with another man. Same thing goes for lesbians. So it isn't wrong. Christians need to stop taking the words on the pages of the Bible literally and learn to think!
Matilda fell in love with her best friend Kathy and was happy to find out Kathy felt the same about her.

Lust in any form is a sin, but all love is smiled upon by God.

It's okay to be in a homosexual relationship if there isn't lust involved.
by fallenravenlyn August 25, 2009
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