You will need

1 hampster

2 grams Sugar
1 cup Water
1 syringe
1 teaspoon of distilling yeast
To make Hampster heart you drain the hampster of blood after deseased and mix with 1 cup of water then ad the teaspoon of distilling yeast and add hampster water to a distilling set, from wish and boil the blood water mix to make Hampster heart
by Cody5050 May 14, 2023
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When you scroll down facebook like a hampster on a wheel. Just going down and down and down glazed over in boredom.
I need to stop hampstering fb and go watch McGuyver.
by spinal365 January 19, 2011
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A female with incredibly bad hygeine and/or is super slutty without shame or fear of disease.
Shes such a hampster bitch, she wanted to know what disease you have before you have sex.
by danythegirl March 26, 2018
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a big, round, booty, that is really flat though. It makes you picture a hampsters booty, because it is round and smooth. Can mainly be found on librarians and large women.
That librarian is such a bitch, her hampster booty grosses me out!
by ava555 June 20, 2011
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An extremely hairy, unshaven genital area in either a man or a woman.
Person 1: Hey, what do you think about me hooking up with Jennifer tonight at her party?

Person 2: Yeah sure but watch out, she has a Russian Hampster

Person 1: Oh... nevermind
by elbocko March 21, 2011
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