Local nickname given to the Energy Solutions Arena in Salt Lake City, UT; formerly the Delta Center. It is called this because the company that has bought the rights to the arena, Energy Solutions, is one that disposes of toxic waste. Energy Solutions Arena is a mouthful so many have shortened it to ESA or the Glow Center, which is catchier and more like the original name.

This is where the Utah Jazz play.
I heard that Metallica is going to be playing at the Glow Center in March.
by JDPSCCA February 1, 2008
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– a general dullness, or lack of mental acuity combined with a person having the extra pale countenance or otherwise gaunt, unhealthy and tired appearance of one who has spent several days, typically over a weekend, partying excessively by binge drinking, ingesting numerous illicit drugs, and then compounding it by suffering from a lack of sleep. The term is a reference to the results of overexposure to sun, hashish and psychedelia that numerous fair skinned British people often subject themselves to when they take cheap charter trips to visit Goa, India, which is known for drugs, hash, hippies and rave parties.
“Arthur was dull as dirt and looked like shit this morning in the Monday management meeting. He’s got a Goa Glow.”

Friend: Hey Barrett, snap out of it!

Barrett: Huh? Sorry mate, just nodded off for a second there.

Friend: What the hell’s wrong with you? You always seem to have the Goa Glow these days.
by Sunderwear January 22, 2011
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Shoving a glass rod into a guy's urethra, and snapping it just like a "Glow Stick."
On the Jewish couple's honeymoon they did a Glow Stick, Apon which they said "Mazel Tov."
by Obb Jod April 24, 2017
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When someone has smoked a certain amount of weed, they give off a green fuzzy glow which to the untrained eye makes them look dirty.
Person 1: Hey man you look really dirty

Person 2: That's weird, I showered this morning

Person 1: How much weed have you smoked today?

Person 2: About an ounce man

Person 1: Ah, probably the weed glow.
by ycsiemanymiH November 3, 2010
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An internal joy/ euphoria that is reached by a person as a result of internal growth (mentally, emotionally, spiritually) during the summer time. A person is able to explore themselves and their internal being without interruptions from people at school and usually accquire a new found confidence.
Person A: Wow , something is different about her this year. She seems more confident.

Person B: Its that summer glow, I'm telling you, man!
by Katlyn_nicole6553 August 25, 2017
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Glow-face- n the illuminated face when using a tablet, smart phone, in the dark.
The kids went to bed early tonight but they all had glow-face for 20 minutes.
by WVIII April 8, 2018
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Me:yall! Did you see all those celeb glow ups?! I think that type of change is called money, not puberty! Looks like I gotta hit the gym
by Crazyrearea April 11, 2015
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