1. a sarcastic reply to someone who is not satisfied with what they have or
2. a claim to have eaten less than someone else
3. a moan that there was no food ready to eat at home
man 1 'I've only got one slice of bread here mate'
man 2 'you'll get two slices of fuck all in a minute mate if you don't stop moaning'

man 3 'I only had a pot noodle for my dinner'
man 4 'so what, I've had two slices of fuck all for mine'

man 5 'what did you get for your dinner when you got home mate?'
man 6 'same as usual, two slices of fuck all'
by Mr Cunninglinguist May 14, 2010
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A phrase over-used by immature little kids and teens who think they are black, but usually arn't. Usually accompanied by snobbishness, bitchiness, and also often whores.
Person 1- "Your so slutty you fucked like 20 guys!"

Person 2- "Fuck all that noise!"
by King Crunk<3 April 30, 2010
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a stupid tiktok audio. Used when you see a bug right beside you and say this when you jump 6 ft into the air while you run or when you get a C- and can’t be bother enough
Pico: My ice cream melted
The pedo uncle: Nah fuck that! All you niggas got me fucked up! All yo mamas got me fucked up! now suck my dick like you sucked that ice cream i bought you
by Caffeinataed April 19, 2021
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When there is nothing to care about nothing, a combination of Fuck All and Jack Shit to mean that nobody cares about nothing
John: We literally have nothing to eat and we have no money to eat out.
James: Well fuck all jack shit we'll just use our credit cards to buy food
by coeryxtynt February 9, 2023
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When you get pissed about someone's opinion or advice you didn't ask for.
1.Friend: "You know smoking crack is a occupational hazzard"
2.You: "Oh? That's what the last Muthafuka said, But I didn't ask for your advice so Fuck All, Fuck Y'all! "
by Westside Digital Pimp April 16, 2022
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Origin of phrase originally from Wuhan China but very rapidly spread across the globe. Stay safe! And wash your hands!
Tucker- Hey Dale! Come over here look at this video about the Coronavirus!

Dale- “Oh shit oh fuck we’re all going to die by this Virus
by RIP ÙwÚ January 28, 2020
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"have you done your chemistry home work for cekander?" "Yeah right ive dont piddly diddle fuck all."
by Mike Press March 23, 2004
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