Used to to draw the line in a relationship, most commonly between men and women. When said by a man, means "you're not attractive enough for me." Can also mean the same when said by a woman, but there's the more devious "you are not manly enough for me," which is to say "wishy washy."
Mike, you're a really cool guy, but I only like you as a friend.
by Scott Saxe March 29, 2005
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The friend in every group of friends who no one really knows why "that" friend is there. "That" friend is usually the butt of every joke, prank, or the one who follows every request made by someone in the group of friends. Also, the "that" in "that" friend usually has a different tone than the rest of the words.
Rick: Hey, where is your friend?
James: Which friend?
Rick: Charlie.
James: Oh, "that" friend. We sent him out to go bring us some drinks.
by Grithoof June 9, 2009
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The TV show which started a billion different hair style trends
"Can I have the same hair style as that girl in Friends?"
"Which one?"
"Um, I think she's called Rachel."
"No, I meant which style?"
by Caz August 19, 2004
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Guy asks: who did you go to Disneyland with?
Girl responds : "A friend" in a high pitch voice
by BCBud123 January 18, 2011
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Somebody that you still care and share alot in common with & hang around alot with. You can trust this person with secrets and goof off with this person. This person is someone who doesn't go off and tell everyone your most embarrassing stuff. This person this person isn't a best friend but is a great friend.

look up best friend
bully- hey, youre fat, ugly, and are a f**king retard.
person getting bullied-(crying)
friend- hey, get away from my friend you freak or else!!!!

a friend stands up for other friends.
i have "friend" but not a real one yet. i hope people reading This can find a real friend who doesn't act or pretend.
by monae.marie November 6, 2012
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A term of rejection used to soften the the blow when dumping someone.

Often used with other phases like
"You are like a big brother to me."
"You are such a nice guy." and "It's not you, it's me."
Girl saying to boyfriend in training:
"You are such a nice guy, and I love you as a friend ...... "
by caxwl May 27, 2004
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