To unjustly 'flip out' on. Also used with an 'ing' suffix to denote someone in a rancid mood.
"Whoa, man. My mom just totally frapped out on me." or "Dude, he's frapping hardcore."
by Prozium February 20, 2004
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Noun- someone who is of a promiscuous nature. Also referred to as RIP.

Verb-(frapped, frapping) to participate in sexual intercourse that is not love making.

Adj.- To describe some portion of clothes that looks good, usually followed by the word ready.
Noun- The young ladies that are in the clubs dancing on poles tend to be the FRAP.

Verb- I was FRAPPING the FRAP last night while you were gone to the store.

Adj.- When going to the club I have noticed that most of the ladies have on FRAP-ready shoes.
by J.R.W. January 11, 2008
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the way people dance in the morning of bush stomps/doofs/raves when high on ecstacy

a style sunglasses commonly worn in the mornings that are brightly coloured with a white stripe across the top

"i was frapping so hard last sunday morning out at basscamp"

"check the frappers on that lad"
by sarahfrombello February 7, 2008
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Frap is to masturbate. It is the word Americans should be using after they stopped using jerking off so much and started using the quite erroneous fap. They are unlikely to do this however as they seem to have a lot of trouble spelling many English words.
Frapping was originally the way in which a rope is tied to some logs or oil drums, for example, to make a raft in watermanship.
Frapping was first used to mean masturbation on a British army assault pioneer course circa 1991. I know I was there.
"Stop frapping your privates private and get frapping that rope to that oil drum"

"Stop saying 'fap' you American idiots what you really mean is frap"
by Airtrooper November 2, 2009
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A Frap = To have a wank
To have a five knuckle truffle shuffle
Can't come to the pub mate gonna have a frap.

I had 5 fraps today.

Morning Frap.
by Alfie_G October 7, 2005
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Fraternity Hopping

Walking around campus going from fraternity to fraternity trying to find free booze and a hot ass party.
"Hey we're going to Georgia Tech tomorrow night and frap around. You coming?"

"Dude! We spent the night frapping. The best party was at Sigma Nu. Liquor was pouring. I barely remember what happened."
by pARTyfREAk October 19, 2011
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