Something that chavs or chores frequently ask for.
Ere mate you got twenny pee fot bus?
Wot you walkin away for nob 'ed?
Don't ignore me dick 'ed!
by Luke February 24, 2005
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A person who is so stinky when they fart that their name changes to stink fot
Maya: “Julie, did you fart?”
Julie: “yes I’m sorry”
Maya: “eww shut up you stink fot
by Stinkfotgod December 6, 2019
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to be unsuccessful in an endevour i.e. To really "fuck up"
"Sara really Fot up that cake recipe she saw on Pinterest."

"I don't Trust James with my car because he'll just Fot it up."
by BitchyGoose August 7, 2018
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Friend of the show. Someone willing to drop everything (picking up kids from school, that deadline work project, anniversary dinner with the husband) to fill an open spot on a buddy's podcast so his three listeners (mom, girlfriend and that random guy at work) have something to listen to on their work commute that week.
Man, that Brody Levin sure is one helluva FOTS, not derpy at all.
by shockrockjock January 26, 2017
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I did eat her ass but it was FOTS.
by Chunky_Doll February 22, 2019
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(noun) When someone has fot, they are tough, savage, and fuckin beastly
"That guy just knocked out Alistair Ovareem!"
"Wow, he's got fot"
by Fot Master Flex September 30, 2017
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my girlfriend is not produceing the ready brek so i give her the FOT tab
your not giveing me the ready brek darling so you must receive the FOT tab
by thenutts7 December 25, 2022
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