1) A big ass forehead.

2) A Molly Bergin (see black booty head)

3) The over lapping of ones forehead passed the eyes so that it appears one has no eye brows. In doing so the hairline gets pushed back, and a look of sadness is eternally etched on the face.
Marc: Yo Corey, you see the new girl?

Corey: How could I not?! DAT BITCH GOT DA MOLLY FOREHEAD!!!!
by Julesshaves98 December 24, 2013
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JacksFilms forehead is the biggest thing known to man.
Help ELON MUSK to get us to mars!!
John: Hey, have you seen JacksFilms Forehead?
Zack: Yeah!! It's the biggest thing i've EVER seen!
John: ....
by SoppaSick September 25, 2019
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If a guys says you have a big forehead, he tryna clap them cheeks mama. This is a guys way of flirting so don’t say that it’s bigger than his dick or he will get offended.
damn bonquiesha you gotta big forehead
by daddy.shaylah June 4, 2020
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When you forehead is too damn big for your head and your eyebrows look like they are running away from your hairline
by Daddy52626 March 4, 2019
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A particularly hirsute female pubic region resembling a primate's forehead.
by Dave B October 2, 2003
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Forehead Sex is the most common sexual relationship between Fox Mulder and Dana Scully and other various characters from The X Files. It has been said that its the safest way to consumate yet, bumps are always created after a heated session.
Scully and Mulder were forehead sexing by the unremarkable house.
by Alleyphile August 12, 2008
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Brian's forehead is a forehead that no one can take their eyes away. So much that people roast him about it and he has to move schools because of the constant roasting. Even moving to different schools might make the roasting stop, his "friends" joke about the unreal forehead.
Brian's forehead is an embarrassing forehead.

Gabe - "Brian, your forehead is like deforestation."
by yaddassi May 25, 2017
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