When someone shows up instantly after you fick your lighter in anticipation of joining in the circle
Dont flick your lighter more than once or all the flicker feigns will show up...
by Boss ninja13 July 28, 2016
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Quote from The Office season two, episode 18.
A saying from the proverbial "hood" in the early 1970's meaning "to be expected" and an act or behaviour which is common to a genre or sterotype.

African American 1: "Yo' man, I aint down with home boys stealin' my shit"
African American 2: "dinkin' flicker my nigga"
by daveStyle September 26, 2006
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A person whom picks their nose then flicks it
Dude I found aBooger from a Picker Flicker the other day.
by salina_baby_gurl_420 February 7, 2007
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When a straight man goes to a gay bar to pick up women
Jesse and brandon were trying to get at some hotties, there defense was to strong, so they decided to run the Flea Flicker and go to a gay bar to pick up chicks
by jessecb7 October 25, 2014
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one who flicks tits or nipples or is notorious in trying.
you are such a tit flicker.... please stop touching them
by emily jenkins May 24, 2006
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1). the act of twanging your flinching pinger with your middle finger as if you were pinging some ones lug

"haha quality I have a pinger! how random!.. am well away to twang this bad boy :-)"

2). drawing a shlong on a note pad with the banger becoming more and more erect with every flick of a page...

"aaaaah nothing like a nice refreshing pint after work eh... here! pass me that note pad mate... ok, but why?... because I have worked hard today and I want to draw several penis`s on paper OK! with the 1st page harbouring a sketch of a flacid love lance, centre page will show a semi and the last page having a full blown, full on throbbing turgid pinger"
Bricker flicker penis paper cock book
by ShadeMade aka G-Funk November 29, 2011
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