A person who has a lot of knowledge about films, seen a lot a films and enjoys films more than an average person.
Person 1: 'hey you know Matt? isn't he the biggest film enthusiast you know?'
Person 2: 'oh my god, he is! the other day he named his top 20 favourite directors and creators!'
by Mirauli May 1, 2016
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A man or woman who loves to give blowjobs.
"Yo, did you hear Danielle was a blowjob enthusiast?"

"No way man, that's awesome!"
by FuckNinjas January 9, 2010
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A fanatical fan of females. One who is fearless in their facility to festoon females with fondness.

Akin to an “athletic supporter”?

Not to be confused with "Female euthanasia’s" who tend to be LESS enthusiastic in RE: females.
Many female enthusiasts turn to the 1974 epic Caged Heat for a rare peek into the world of HOT WOMEN IN PRISON MOVIES!!!
by Maximoose December 20, 2004
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A girl that really loves dick. Basically another way of saying whore that gets the point across a little bit better
Ryan: Hey bro, what do you think about me asking Jessica to prom?

Thomas: Well she's a good choice if you want to get laid, she is a pretty big Dick Enthusiast
by Giorgibro Armani November 15, 2010
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Someone who enjoys denying themselves
Wow, didja hear Maraike is a Denial Enthusiast?

No way! I didn’t expect her to be a Denial Enthusiast!
by 2LoveTrain2 January 30, 2022
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