in court, when you are subpoenaed, you better be prepared to give the whole enchilada, not just what you think is important
by Sexydimma September 18, 2015
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When a person bends over and farts while another person licks their butthole as the farts come out.
Sammy are your ready to head home I have a Utah enchilada brewing for you!
by MeghanTheeStallion January 22, 2022
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When you receive oral from two Mexicans at the same time.
Hey Ryan did you hear? Kevin got a double enchilada at the ardwick carry out.
by K.B. & R.S. March 30, 2018
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A tortilla wheel stuffed with enchilada fillings. Usually with green chillies, tomato, cheese, and chicken
Aye, Kylie, do you want an enchilada pinwheels?
by Lil' Toenail March 23, 2018
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A sexual maneuver in which a partner with braces rubs the metal back and forth across the other partners butt hole until bloody. Thus creating the "enchilada sauce." Invented in Oneonta, New York in 2004 by a young lady with braces and a very adventureous boyfriend, the move swept the nation attracting pedophiles around the world.
Young jenny wanted to make a lasting impression on Jordan so she used the Enchilada of Oneonta.
by Bob Spanky February 20, 2009
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An enchilada left in the back seat of a vehicle long enough to become furry and rancid.
The Mexican stripper I left in my trunk last night is one stinky enchilada!
by Herbie3 April 23, 2012
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1. A graphic way of referring to a stinky pussy
2. A dish at ChiChi's
(for both)
Devon: Aye, you guys wanna go down on this Seafood enchilada?

Me: Dude, it looks like someone spit in it.
by Codito May 12, 2008
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