1. A woman who has no choice but to be a Lesbian see: bull dyke butch dyke diesel dyke

2. Judging by the way a woman looks, she would have no choice but to be a lesbian"
"did you see that ugly bitch?"
"yeah i can't see her nailing a guy ever"

"she was destined to be a dyke"
by fagbot December 11, 2004
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A film franchise that causes you to fear flying, standing near trains, using computers, driving behind log trucks, spilling coffee, cooking, riding rollercoasters, using tanning beds, riding on a subway, observating a car race, touching grass, driving through a car wash, standing under a ceiling fan, using escalators, swimming, riding over bridges, performing gymnastics, doing lasik eye surgery, getting spa and therapy, and being on a construction site.
I watched Final Destination and scared to do anything for a whole month until I got therapy.
by Hectare Acres July 14, 2023
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Basically it’s what happened when a female is on a roof, starts chugging a beer but half way through start htting it’s herself in the chest with the beer and gets it all over, then tried to be cool and go off the roof on a shake board but trips off of it instead and then falls onto the lower level roof and then lays their as a kid flips her off and then you see a big fat pig.
Gone off trail into the jungle while in a tire? Ever hit your cruise boat into a huge crane? Maybe a huge ass wave from the ocean knocked you done. Well you, my dear friend, have then reacted destination fucked.
by Jaclyn101COOL May 28, 2019
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When you have sex anywhere that’s not you or the other person’s house.
We went to the beach to have destination sex.
by Mandidandy February 20, 2018
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a situation which presents ample opportunity for a freak accident to take your or another person in close proximity's life
Dude, I was driving on the highway behind an old white van with a rusty ladder attached to the top with a frayed bungie chord. I was freakin out cause it seemed pretty frickin "final destination" but I'm alive so I win. F you Death.
by CT Shtank Face August 8, 2009
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A final destination means a small accident that causes an injury or death, sometimes multiple.
“Man I just witnessed a final destination! I was cleaning the table in the kitchen and I drop a small piece of paper on the floor, of course I think nothing of it but then my brother walks in the kitchen and trips on the piece of paper falling face first! He got a bloody nose!”
by Waffel31 October 29, 2020
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Destination Fucked - Is about fucking up at something being middle-fingered by a little kid and looking straight at a fat pig.
by Xellti March 23, 2019
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