An infinitely long contract that is thought to be 99.9% filler. The contract can only be written by the all-powerful deity known as the Filler God.
Filler God: "If you want me to resurrect Jonny, you must sign my Forever Contract with your blood."
Jack: "Yes! Sure! Anything to revive Jonny!"
by emkay1 April 24, 2021
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The unwritten, unspoken rules of polite society. It's what keeps you from laughing or commenting on bodily functions that happen in public and ignoring homeless/smelly people until you can escape their visual/audible range.

May also apply to catching someone doing something inappropriate in public, in which both parties act like nothing happened and/or nothing was seen.
I went into the bathroom to wash my hands just as David was flushing the toilet. His shit stunk so bad, it was all I could think about. I tried to hold my breath and ignore it as the social contract keeps me from acknowledging the fact that his shit smell was suffocating me.
by YouStinkLikeShit January 17, 2012
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A large contraction. Usually used for words made up of more than three words, such as y'all're.
Man, I can't believe y'all're using mega contractions.
by m/e/m/e/d February 22, 2020
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a contraction that consists of three different words. Contractions are a combination of multiple words that are put together with apostrophes. But there is a difference between contractions and triple contractions.
regular contraction: don't (do not)
triple contraction: couldn't've (could not have)

(ex for reg.) : Don't do that (do not do that)
(ex for triple) : You couldn't've done that (you could not have done that)
by Jamesie5000 August 25, 2014
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A contract that parents and the Catholic Church force teenagers to sign, which says that they cannot engage in any sexual activities until marriage. It is stupid, because it goes against the basic laws of nature, and it doesn't work very often, instead it encourages them to have sex even more, but they don't know about birth control, so the girls get pregnant.
Craig: Why did you make me come in here with your girlfriend?

Craig's Mom: Craig, we'd like to talk with you two about something very important. Now that you both are together, we want you to sign this contract. Once you sign this, you will not commit any sexual activities until marriage, and therefore be pure until then, so you won't go to hell.

Craig: What the fuck, mom?! Are you stupid? I'd never sign an abstinence contract! You know I'm an athiest! Stop being such a retard! Sex is not some holy act that can only be done in marriage, it's normal human behavior! (Rips up contract) You make me sick! I wish you weren't so ignorant!
by JoshTheLiberator May 17, 2009
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1. Describes a phenomenon when you are pregnant. Feels similar to birth pangs, you think you are about to give birth, but turns out you just needed to shit. The TY contractions typically produce feces that are abnormally massive, very offensive odour, that results in an emergency call to the plumber because it breaks most standard home toilets.

2. When you only have pedophilia, being an incel, and pill popping on your agenda.

3. An incel, who, in 2022, was taught not to be an empath.
"Hey, Jenny, weren't you in the hospital last night? Pete called me last night, said you were about to give birth."

"No, I was just having the TommyYin contractions. Needed to call a plumber, instead, though, that shit just refused to flush and broke our toilet."
by no one 33 September 12, 2022
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deviation from a marriage 'contract'...upon getting 'married-up'; the wife (or husband!) refuses to "put-out". -the 'shut-down' partner then seeks 'solace' outside the marriage. -upon discovery of the 'sin', the offending party becomes 'the devil'

usually the offending party is the self-immolating male, most of the women of the human species actually seem to be able to 'make-it' without sex!!??. (rumor has it, SOME women actually LIKE sex!!??)

when not following through on the "for better or worse" pledge, the party not fulfilling their 'obligation/s'; pretty much deserve what they get!! -while 'putting out' is not a fidelity guarantee, it certainly does lend itself to same!!
he was pumping every 'pelt' in town, because of contract warp!

contract warp had her grinding the 'poison' out of some strange!

layla helped 'soothe' kate's hell-burn of contract warp!!
by michael foolsley June 1, 2011
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