Middleton Black and Mild Cigar.

Formed by combining nigger and cigarrette. Because black people buy more black and milds than anyother race.

I went to the store and picked up a 5 pack of nig cigs.
by Kevin Brizz June 26, 2006
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Slang for Djarum Blacks, which are completely black cigarettes. 40% clove 60% tobacco, probably the most unhealthy thing to smoke.
I just picked up a pack of nig cigs
by Ryan March 19, 2004
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Skin Cig /skin sig/ n. 1 A penis;

Referring to a penis being "smoked"

Or sucked on.
1 He smoked that Skin Cig like it was the last one in the pack.

2 That chick is into me; I'm pretty sure she wanted my Skin Cig
by DALLAS JOE June 13, 2018
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When two bros go alone to smoke a cigarette and bro out.
Brandon and Chris went outside to have a bro-cig to get away from all the tacos at the party.
by bcz March 17, 2014
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Lil Cig is that kid who don't talk to noone and thinks he's the shit because he makes beats that noone can rap to but him. He's also a huge asshole. so don't talk to him.
Who TF Calls Themselves "Lil Cig"
by 6_Pil6Leep_6 May 13, 2018
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A cigarette smoking session at a specified spot. Wherever the place is, it is called a post. The people involve in the smoking are having a post, like manning a post for the military, but instead its just simply an individual or a group smoking a cigarette.
John just blew his load, now he is going on a cig post outside the hotel room.

During my break at Aldi i like to do a nice cig post in the parking lot by the trees.
by ballplayer182 March 6, 2022
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A vagina that smells like a cigarette. In some women who smoke regularly the smell of cigarettes emanates not just from their mouths but also from their snatch. When a vagina smells like a cigarette its call a vag cig.

Also some men like to insert their lit or unlit cigarette into their womans baby box. The cigarette then becomes a vag cig. They can then smoke it and it tastes like vagina and cigarette combined together.
Jojo smokes so much she has vag cig.

When i fucked Shania i could still smell her vag cig stench on my dick a day later.

Kelsey let me make a vag cig with her pussy and it tasted good.
by ballplayer182 March 6, 2022
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