An old Australian idiom meaning "tough luck" or "that's too bad"
It is mainly said when something bad has happened to someone and to show you have no sympathy for them
Similar to Stiff cheese
...and if you don't like sport, stiff cheddar!
by stiffcheddargt March 1, 2011
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in baseball a term used to describe the ability to throw a fastball pitch extremely fast or hard
yo, colon is throwing cheddar, his fastball hit 100 mph yesterday.
by alan duncan March 9, 2008
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In hockey when a player shoots and scores a goal with the puck hitting the roof of the net.
"You see swartzy go top cheddar on that brutal tender"
by Denni B September 23, 2008
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at whatever such time is deemed suitable for all parties involved.
"Hey, Marky, when are we hitting up the bars?"
"Whenever's cheddar, my dude."
by Jack324 December 27, 2008
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When you're in college and you are super drunk.
Yeah man I was drunk cheddar last night and hurled all over the dorm steps
by sargentoflynn February 13, 2022
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if you dont wash your cock you will find bell cheddar underneath your foreskin
by crompers October 20, 2007
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Good weed; danks; chronic.
As opposed to "broccoli," meaning mids/regs
Person 1 walks through the door.
Person 2: "What is that wonderful aroma?"
Person 1: "I just picked up some of that broccoli cheddar."
Person 2: "Nice, I've been smoking broccoli all day and I have a huge headache."
Person 1: "One hit of this broccoli cheddar and you will feel great."
by Jo$eph September 22, 2010
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