To sniff lines of any drug.
1) I bumped some ketamine.

2) I bumped some cocaine.

3) I bumped some crushed pills.
by estupido April 13, 2005
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"forgeeet about it"
Screw dat.
Im not doing that.
That aint happenin
I'm over dat
Woke up late this morning and decided to bump it and stay in bed eeeee.
by GMAU November 13, 2003
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It seemed that her bump grew bigger by the minute in the last days of her pregnancy.
by circlesquarer June 21, 2006
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To pull off something skillfully as in a look or manner of dress
Girl, you are bumping that 'fro
by vivman May 25, 2010
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to get in trouble; to fuck up and end up serving time, suspended or whupped depending on the action
Oh shit, Tommy got bumped last night. I saw the cops at his place and I knew he was in trouble.
by Zaniyah March 8, 2006
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n. When you meet someone in a place you didn't expect to see them.
You're my third bump-in today!
by The Grammar Nazi January 10, 2002
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