4 definitions by estupido

An Iran is a person, place or thing that exhibits *slightly* more defensive capabilities making it a *slightly* less prefered target for predatory forces to sublimate over.

Homogenous to a North Korea.
The bully chose to beat up the Iraq because the Iran wasn't wearing glasses.
by estupido April 13, 2005
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To sniff lines of any drug.
1) I bumped some ketamine.

2) I bumped some cocaine.

3) I bumped some crushed pills.
by estupido April 13, 2005
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1) A Latin American meat-pastry.

2) The vagina of a Latin American.
1) "That empanada was tasty."

2) "That Latin American's empanada was not tasty."
by estupido April 13, 2005
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Used to describe a morbidly skinny individual with very large facial/cranial features. Closely resembles the morphology of a circumcised penis.

Being circumcised is a very common trait in overweight individuals who, for whatever reasons, have rapidly lost a substantial amount of weight.
1) ...Pointing at a crackhead with a swollen face, "That individual is most certainly circumcised."

2) After his bout with bubonic plague, the once 418 pound man had been circumcised.
by estupido April 13, 2005
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