A person who is a disgrace to society. Someone who embarrasses themselves and makes themselves look stupid time and time again. A person who does stupid things and makes no excuses for it.
Mike Rehmyer is the perfect poster child for birth control.
by ueiee October 24, 2008
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when a person has a haircut so bad, no one will want to have sex with them, hence it makes good birth control.
"Wow, look at that fem-mullet thats one hell of a birth control hair cut."
by j-dub004568 March 31, 2008
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the child that the put up on posters to make people say,"oh dear jebus! im going to start taking birth control so that doesn't end up poping out of me."
"you are the poster child for birth control."
by bhrome April 5, 2004
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Kids who dont belong on the face of the earth and appear on birth control commercials
Eric Fishel should be a Birth Control Poster Boy because hes so fuckin ugly and half-retarded looking
by True to my Roots July 8, 2003
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Having strictly anal sex with your partner because you can't afford another child
Me and the misses are on the

Irish birth control
by Jiuken Stef September 25, 2022
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To have sex with a woman, raw dog, with them under the presumption that your name is real...when in reality it is a false name. This is used in case the woman becomes pregnant...hence the baby wouldn't be yours.
"Dude you had sex with that slut...and she got pregnant! What are you going to do!!!!"

"No sweat, I used European Birth Control."
by long hand luke April 30, 2010
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To eliminate the birthing of a potential child by pushing your wife/significant other down a flight of stairs while pregnant.
Leslie was carrying my child, but I gave her the ol' Jacksonville Birth Control last night so we should be good.
by beeeeeeeeeeej January 31, 2011
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