to stick one's testicles in a girl's anus.

see dog in a bathtub
"...her ass is pretty loose so I decide to pull the rear bagger and she's cool with it..."
by Thrilla from Manila July 11, 2008
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Referring to one (normally a female) who is so hideous, revolting and/or disgusting that one would rather place a bag over one's head in the hope of suffocating, thus leading to death, as opposed to having intercourse with said person/female.
A spoof of "bag her and tag her" and the grocery store checkout method.
I passed a girl the other day that was possible the most disturbing thing I had ever seen. She was a definite self bagger
by Marin Rs March 31, 2009
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An Obama-Apologist sheep, which is the Democrat equivalent of a Tea-Bagger. No matter what or despite the truth, an O-Bagger will lie to protect their favored president, just like how Conservatives protected GWBush.
I questioned the lies of President Obama, just like I questioned the lies of GWBush when he was president, and this O-Bagger verbally attacked me with their typical vitriol & diatribe.
by Revolutionary Love July 27, 2011
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One whom performs a task in a slacking or poor manner, as well as a person who may be ignorant and/or careless.
Man, Bryan really looks like the Nagger Bagger of the team after those shitty sprints...
by Garrett Terpstra March 30, 2008
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A woman with a fine ass body but an ugly face. But hey, that's nothing a brown bag can't handle.
"girl you're a brown bagger, you ugly as hell, but I would still hit that if you put a brown bag on your head."
by Zclause September 10, 2008
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A dog owner carrying a see-through bag of shit while walking their dog. Though they are being responsible by picking up their dog's crap, nevertheless, they are walking around with a bag of nasty shit in their hands!
Why do shit baggers use clear bags to pick up after their dogs?
by Macphilia June 14, 2009
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A statist who is obsessed with Tea Party activists and can’t get through the day without referring to anyone who disagrees with them as Teabaggers (A man that dips his scrotum and testicles into the mouth of another person. (as if dipping a tea bag into hot water)).
Infamous D-Baggers are President Obama, Keith Olbermann, Rachel Maddow, Eddie Schultz, Anderson Cooper.

Hey, Joe! Look at that D-Bagger protesting the Teabaggers! Those folks are infatuated with the Teabag.
by Chelsea Bucketheads August 20, 2010
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