At some point about three years ago, it became fashionable for women to deface themselves with tattoos, usually above the waist or on the ankle or upper arm. I first became aware of this trend when some scratter shoved by me sporting a butterfly on the grotesque roll of mechanically tanned lard that hung around her belt. Had I known what was to come, I would have killed her then and there to stop the plague-like spread.

Originally confined to the lower orders, this has now 'trickled up' to the extent everyone from ballerinas to dinnerladies feels called on to complete herself by having some indecipherable Chinese bollocks or some flowers carved above her chuff.

At its most harmless, this is something discreet like a Celtic cross; at its worst, the 'tat' extends all across the lower back, leaving the gentleman with the impression he is fucking the Berlin Wall.

I suppose this was meant to look hawt and slightly dangerous, but all it does is mark the bearer down as a monumentally uninspired skank who'd probably wear a lip-plate if Nicole Richie got one.

See also: tramp stamp (US), sign of ten thousand penises, whoremark, etc.
I thought she was a bit of alright until she bent down to open that drawer, exposing the eagle-wing slag badge on her lower spine.
by Lord Grimcock August 19, 2007
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An alert announced by a (usually) hi tech coworker in a full car or group prior to entering a restaurant or other public venue, to remove all company ID badges so as not to look the doofus.
"Here we are at Casa Bonita. Badge check!"
by Grafikman September 17, 2007
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Steve: ‘Hey look, he’s wearing stone island.’
Dave: ‘Get the badge in.’
by Chezzburg3r May 15, 2022
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A tattoo on the lower back of a woman that indicates to anyone viewing it that she is, in fact, a skank.
Mildred's skank badge provided Edward with light reading material as he pounded her doggy style.
by Ayesha Mossley December 23, 2004
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Any collection of bro-esque bumper stickers compiled on the back of any lifted truck. (I.E. Famous, Fox Racing, Liquid Force, Calvin peeing on rival truck company, Monster Energy, Skin, SRH)
"Yo brody! I just got this dope ass F-350, all murdered out and shit, with a phatty Affliction decal on the back window!"

"Nice man, but I think you ruined it with that douche badge on the back."
by Ihatebrotown August 13, 2008
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Dried stains of kebab juice, curry sauce or gravy all over your shirt from messy eating.
That's an impressive dinner badge you've got there. What did you eat, pizza?
by Upper Class Twit August 17, 2007
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An extremely moist asshole. May be caused by sweat, other bodily fluids, swamp ass, a shart, a poor wipe job or general uncleanliness.
I need to go Re-wipe. I got a butter badge.

I got her so wet it dribbled down her taint and made a tasty little butter badge.

Tommy broholed me last night and I ended up with a butter badge.

I tried to squeeze on off in class but I ended up with a shart. I had to sit there till class was out with a butter badge.
by Dick Onchin October 12, 2020
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