-To be most uncomfortable in a situation. Most of us have experienced awkwardness when having to talk in front of a large group of people with the usual "so yea" and "so like".

-Another form of awkwardness would be when talking in person and being really really unsure and unusual about your actions and words. Not knowing what do except acting "awkward" ( See Awkward ) Unintentionally.

Handsome Guy: "Hey beauitful"
Girl: -nods, smiles, and turns red-
Handsome Guy: "Your awkwardness. It's adorable"
Girl: -still nodding- "Ha yepp..."
by PabsCerv November 2, 2014
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noun used to denote an awkward situation. It is infinitely better than the alternate, yet more commonly used word - awkwardness.
"The awkwardity increased exponentially when Caitlin took her pants off"
by magical lioplurodon December 7, 2007
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When it's dead silent and that one friend says the most random shit.
No one:
Person 1: My parents are having financial problems
Person 2: Ok *awkwardness* good for you
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The word white women can use to describe anything.
White girl #1: Hi
White girl #2 :OMG u r so totally awkward
by Mel Flippin Gibson January 14, 2014
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A situation which is of a significant amount of discomfort, and a subject of hilarity and confusion for those not involved.
1. Katrina, if someone walks in while I am blowdrying your shorts while you are still wearing them, we may face an awkward situ....Nevermind, Too late.
by ihatethesethings November 1, 2010
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A comment made by a third party in response to someone saying something inappropriate or embarrasing themselves in some way, thus causing an awkward silence for several seconds.

Saying "awkard" is often a remark deliberately aimed at stating the obvious to make the situation just that little bit more cringe-worthy.

for related topic please see ground swallow me up, dig a hole and keep digging
John: Hey, dumbass can't you read the sign? No dogs allowed!
Paul: er...(awkard silence) sorry sir he's new here.
John: what?
Paul: (whispering) dude the guy is blind and that's his guide dog!
John: oh.
3rd Party: awkward
by sunshiyong November 23, 2010
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noun- 1. the state of being awkward.

2. Characteristics that make one awkward or ambiguous in gender or race.
Yo, so i thought you were a girl when i met you... you know because of your boobs but now I've noticed an awkwardity that makes me uncomfortable. Dude, it's your penis.
by chachahcacharmin April 28, 2010
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