A made up sexuality created by fake "weebs"/"otakus" for the chance to say the f slur, many people of the lgbtq+ community say it is a mock/joke so if u identify as animesexual please go and jump in a ditch <3
Person 1: hey dude what's ur sexuality?
Person 2: I'm bisexual
Person 3:I'm animesexual
person 1: get the f out my house person 1
by Esme_is_gay_af February 4, 2021
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people who thinks like anime is a sexuality and attack people who don't like anime or just don't think is a real sexuality

they make the anime community look bad and when they attack another community they will this they won the argument even if nothing happen to the other community and all they did was make themselves look like fools.
they will hate you even more if your in the tf2 community for some reason
person 1:hey im Animesexual
person2:no your not. that not even real get out of here
by mike lovers April 17, 2021
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if your animesexual it means you need to go touch some grass your delusional it's ok to have mental illnesses
Friend:I'm animesexual
Me:here's some grass now why don't you touch it!🥰
by aritbh January 31, 2021
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Being animesexual isn't a part of the LGBTQ+ community but it has its own kind of community where being a simp is a part of it it's name is animp+ and there are a lot more to it I won't tell you all of course being animesexual is when you don't like real men or women it's when you like anime characters animesexuals don't care if they are men or women anime characters but they will love them whit all their heart and not like anyone else
Person 1:did you hear that person 3 is animesexual
Person2:well do you support them?
Person 3:guys I am animesexual
by I'm the guy in your dreams:))) September 8, 2021
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Someone attracted to an anime character, a Schediaphile.
No, they're not part of the LGBTQ+ community. Please educate yourself and quit using these fake sexualities to your advantage.
If you actually ARE attracted to anime characters, I have nothing to say.
"I'm a proud animesexual!"
-Nope. Not valid
-What a joke.
"But I'm attracted to anime characters!"
-Please stop with the fake sexualities.
-Yeah, it's a mockery
by fragilegoldenmirror February 8, 2021
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A person who thinks being attracted to pixels let’s them get away with saying the F slur.
Teachers: “Welcome to the pride club, mind sharing your sexualities?”
Person 1: “I’m Ace!”
Person 2:“I’m gay!”
Person 3:“I’m bi!”
Person 4 “I’m just an Alli!”
Weirdo: “I’m animesexual!”
Teacher: “Get out.”
by deizari February 7, 2021
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