Planking is where an idiot with a low IQ lies horizontally with their arms by their sides across an object or ground like a fucking dumbass.
Random Guy: Look there's a retard planking in the middle of the road!
by plankinghater July 17, 2011
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meaning you are completly drunk! actually off your face!:L
westside and SD were so planked last night. i found them in a bush...naked....doing it.... :/ OMG! massive let down :'( :L
by Westside-SD-SB August 12, 2010
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Planking is what lame retards do, thinking its actually cool.
Australia made planking illegal, because planking is fucking stupid.
by fnzzz June 7, 2011
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The act of finding a random object, and lying face down on it with your hands by your sides. Was popularized by the indie radio station Triple J. Is usually accompanied with photographs and facebook comments. This is very commonplace in Australia.
Planking: What Australians do when we aren't hunting crocodiles or beating you at sport.
by Zerotrousers May 12, 2011
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When an individual proceeds to lay face down in a horizontal manner on selected (preferably iconic) surfaces.

The aim is to create the most convincing illusion of a static rigid plank, made from human.

Planking is site specific. There is a direct correlation between location and phrase the more radical/humorous the location the more phrase is awarded.
"I been planking on radical things snice the 82"

Observer "You planked that sign so hard"
Planker "thanks, it really felt solid"
by Rook-docter May 16, 2011
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a stupid person or pice of wood
u stupid plank

i ahve a 2x4
by ZuPa pAn August 18, 2003
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In the situation of being about to be fired, laid off, or dumped, as in "walking the plank", "on the plank", "went off the plank", etc.; from the pirate custom of making superfluous individuals walk off a plank at the side of their ship and fall into the water.
"I hear Millie's on the plank and they're just waiting for an excuse to let her go."
by anarcissie May 2, 2008
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