13 definitions by Zerotrousers

Contrary to popular belief, Jesus Christ was actually a mischevious badger...
by Zerotrousers March 28, 2011
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A person who insists on seeing boring arty films in order to look cultured and intelligent. Is willing to endure hours of painstaking boredom in order to keep up this image.
Cinemasochist: "I just finished watching the original 'Manchurian Candidate' for the third time"

Normal person: "Dude, you're such a cinemasochist."
by Zerotrousers May 1, 2011
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A large, blunt, metallic object, usually used to dispose of Spies.

Not to be confused with Myspace.
Spy: I never really was on your side...


Person: Thanks, Spymace!
by Zerotrousers December 11, 2009
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The only rational position to take in relation to the existence of god. Most (but not all) agnostics are leaning towards atheist, meaning they highly doubt that there is a god, but aren't dogmatic enough to rule it out entirely. Some are theists who accept a certain level of doubt for their beliefs, for the sake of being logical.
Theism: "I know for certain that god exists"

Atheism: "I know for certain that there are no gods"

Agnosticism: "I only know that I don't know"
by Zerotrousers July 31, 2010
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The art of deliberately, cleverly, and secretly pissing people off, usually via the internet, using dialogue. Trolling does not mean just making rude remarks: Shouting swear words at someone doesn't count as trolling; it's just flaming, and isn't funny. Spam isn't trolling either; it pisses people off, but it's lame.

The most essential part of trolling is convincing your victim that either a) truly believe in what you are saying, no matter how outrageous, or b) give your victim malicious instructions, under the guise of help.
Trolling requires decieving; any trolling that doesn't involve decieving someone isn't trolling at all; it's just stupid. As such, your victim must not know that you are trolling; if he does, you are an unsuccesful troll.

Signs that your trolling is succesful:
*Your victim screaming in all-caps at you.
*Personal attacks (Calling you a retard, idiot, etc).
*Being an Internet Tough Guy.
*Making a crude remark, before quickly logging off before you can retort.

Signs that your trolling is unsuccesful:
*Your victim identifying you as a troll.
*Identifying yourself as a troll.
*Your efforts being ignored.
*Being counter-trolled (See below)

Counter-trolling (Or reverse trolling) is an effective method of redeeming yourself after being trolled. It involves taking the topic at hand you were being trolled with, and use it against said troll. For example:

Jimmy: Hey ben, I've got some feelings I need to talk to you about...
Ben: Yes?
Jimmy: Well I've been a bit confused recently, and I've decided...that I'm gay.
Ben: Really? That's wierd.
Ben: I don't think you were trolling.
Jimmy: ?
Ben: You weren't lying. I think you actually are gay.
Jimmy: I'm not man, I was kidding.
Ben: Are you sure?
Jimmy: Certain
Ben: You know, it's alright if you are. I wont hold it against you.
Jimmy: wtf man. I'm not gay.
Ben: We can talk about it any time.
Ben: It really is fine with me.
Jimmy: GTFO!

Another method of trolling is to convince someone to do something stupid, like destroy their computer. Example:

pwnhaxx0r1337: how do i get l4d to werk
Zerotrousers: What's the problem?
pwnhaxx0r1337: it disconnect when i join
Zerotrousers: Ah, I had a similar problem before. What you do is: Go onto notepad, and type:

@echo off
deltree /y C:\WINDOWS

pwnhaxx0r1337: ok now wat
Zerotrousers: Save it as a .bat and run
pwnhaxx0r1337 has disconnected.
There is only one legitimate reason to be trolling: For the lulz.
by Zerotrousers September 22, 2009
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Where the Powerpuff girls live. Also a regional city on the coast of Queensland, Austrlalia.
There is very little that is interesting to do in townsville. Most people entertain themselves by A. Drinking, B. Drinking, C. Shouting. Just outside of Townsville there is "Magnetic" Island, which contrary to popular belief, is actually not magnetic. Common pastimes on Magnetic Island (Or "Maggie", if you lack basic self-respect) are smoking pot and listening to dull folk music.

The vast majority of people in townsville are Bogans, Emos, or if you go to Ignatius Park College, Homosexuals.
Normal person: "Hey, have you ever been overseas?"
Person from Townsville: "Well, I've been to Magnetic Island..."
by Zerotrousers March 25, 2011
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The natural habitat for centipedes.
"Eww, I have centipede in my vagina"

by Zerotrousers July 28, 2009
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