The act of sabotage on one's computer when they go away for a short or long period of time. The actions you can tke include:

-removal of the mouse ball
-unplugging power cords
-turning off of one's monitor
-adjusting the brightness and contrast on the monitor so the monitor appears to be off
-opening multiple error windows
-opening of CD drives
-unplugging of mouses/keyboards
-opening a internet porno site
"Damn, you jackasses zinged me..."
by Jimmi April 11, 2005
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A brief Sexual Encounter sometimes followed by breakfast, but not always.

An attractive person of the opposite sex

A slutty or whoreish person (sometimes)
"Look, there go a couple of ZINGS!"
"So did you ZING that girl last night or what?"
by MarzBarz12 January 23, 2009
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describing something of such great wonder and astonishing characteristics emphasizing the -zing in amazing.
The stars are zing tonight.
Man that stripper last night was zing.
You are zing.
by zzinger June 30, 2010
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When someone gets hits you with a zinger
by Vezzo November 9, 2007
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Getting a penis in the mouth

i.e. raped orally
"Man, Dave's been getting zinged a lot tonight"
"Yeah, I hope he uses mouthwash"
by Fred March 28, 2005
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to thrust your pelvic region in a outward motion while saying "zing" usually toward someone of the feminent gender.
i was hanging at the bar the other day and two hot babes were there needless to say i zinged em and spilt the blondes drink.
by garth90210 March 12, 2010
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v.)to burn by means other than a racial or sexual comment (religion, stupidity, etc.)the verb form is rare in actual conversation
n.(zinger)a burn unrelated to sexuality or race; usually recited after the punchline of a joke

includes all jokes not covered by a ponk do u start a mexican stampede?
how? (asked the man with mexican ties)
roll a nickel down a hill! u just got zung!

n.) "
roll a nickel down a hill! Zinger!
by mcfizzy July 11, 2008
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