A common laughing face used on the internet, commonly by Hispanic and Latin peoples. It's also used a lot with weeaboos and little kids, but mostly by those of the "south of the border" kind. It is often accompanied with "jajaja".
¡Tu madre es puta! jajaja XD !!!
by Very Metal June 8, 2007
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1. An ASCII face, often used to show hapiness or laughter, sometimes denoting slight embarassment (Hence the eyes.)
2.XD-eXtreme Defense.
by Anonymous May 29, 2003
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An expression used by many, usually by females who believe they are cute when they actually aren't, and used by homosexual males.
Boy: Hi XD!
Boy 2: Shut the fuck up, faggot.
by Starmaster January 10, 2009
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This is typically used as a symbol of laughing, by teenagers that are "emo".
by That_one_person_15 February 22, 2018
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XD is an emoticon, much like :) which is a smiley face, and :0 which is a shocked face. It’s often used on the internet, although some people literally say Ex-Dee, but those people are few and far between.

It can be used as a replacement for LOL, which means ‘laugh out loud’. Basically, XD is a laughing face.

Beware! A lot of people get annoyed if you use XD too much.
Anna: Heyy
Bella: Hiiii
Anna: Hey, did you hear about what happened to Bob today?
Bella: No, what?!
Anna: He slipped on a banana peel.
Bella: OMG, that’s hilarious XD
by Tr.uth.ful.ly October 31, 2018
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XD is a overused thing meaning a laughing face and used in games like roblox and etc
The right way to use it

Person 1: hey dude i saw my sister pee herself

Person 2: XD

The wrong way to use it

Person 1: hey

Person 2: XD

Person 1: U dumb shit
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An emoticon showing a smiling/laughing face, usually used by cringy 12 year olds, or 15 year olds trying to imitate cringy 12 year olds.
Guy 1: What did you do today?
Guy 2: I had to walk my dog XD11!!1!!!11!!1
by bloxkepler November 30, 2017
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