A weird guy who looks like a women. Walter likes shooting hinds because he has a small Willy.
by Og/ flippin ledgend May 10, 2020
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A person who invites himself or horns in on other peoples plans
That dudes a walter. He totally waltered to that party last weekend
by Mulelissa December 8, 2019
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To be uninteresting or boring, to the point that you resemble an old man.

Used as a noun, verb or adjective.

Only a male can Walter, though a female can Agatha.
1. Dude, you're being such a Walter. Why would you want to go bowling? UGH.

2. Look at that Walter over there. He's wearing a tweed jacket!

3. Oh my God, he's dating a sixteen year old? That's not very Walter of him.
by TimmyBritton July 14, 2009
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means horrible person. one that does not know what he or she wants so messes with other peoples heads! Loves video games, mostly halo
person 1- hey bob whats up
Bob- hey nothing much here
person 1- want to go play a game
person 2- whats wrong with him?
person 1- he's a walters
by Smartie123789 February 23, 2008
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A word to describe someone who dresses poorly, or in the wrong era.
When Kevin came in to work wearing polyester pants and a wide striped shirt with butterfly collar, I said "Man Kev, you look like you've been waltered!"
by MattR August 1, 2006
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1.Verb. To vomit due to overconsumption of alcohol. A shortened version of the original term Walter Yackley, a made up name given to some random jerk off who passed out in my buddies bed. (we never did find out his real name)

2.Noun. A person who appears that they will very soon throw up.
1. You: I was wasted last night...
Me: Yeah, you waltered all over yourself. Fag.

2. When refering to someone who has just thrown up... "Ohhhhh, who invited Walter to the party"

3. When someones looks like they are going to throw up... "That guys about to go hang out with Walter."
by BigT23 December 21, 2010
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